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A simple method of sequential sampling is developed which would make it automatically possible to secure, without excess sampling, a predetermined level of precision for a series of population estimates being required. It appears to have wide application to sampling field populations under various situations since it is simply based upon the relationship of variance to mean for which a comprehensive formula deduced for biological populations from the linearity in the regression of mean crowding on mean density could be adopted. Some problems that may arise in practical application of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   
观察神经梅毒的临床特点,以提高对神经梅毒的诊断与治疗水平。回顾性分析哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院2005年1月至2010年12月收治的23例神经梅毒患者的临床资料。神经梅毒患者男17例(73.9%),女6例(26.1%),男女比约为2.8∶1;年龄27~71岁,平均年龄43.1岁。本组首发症状:麻痹性痴呆(7例)、精神异常(3例)、急性脑梗死(3例)、癫痫(2例)、脊髓病变(2例)、颅高压(2例)、周围神经损害(2例)、脑神经损害(1例)、无症状性神经梅毒(1例)。23例患者血清及脑脊液快速血浆反应素实验及梅毒螺旋体血凝试验均呈阳性反应。颅脑电子计算机断层扫描(CT)和/或磁共振成像(MRI)检查多表现为额叶、顶叶、颞叶、基底节等多发病变。本组患者经大剂量青霉素治疗后病情有显著改善20例,死亡1例,自动出院2例。神经梅毒的临床表现复杂多样,神经系统各部位均可受累,诊断依靠病史及临床表现、实验室血清及脑脊液梅毒抗体检测,误诊率高,应早期诊断,诊断后应进行规范治疗,早期治疗效果较好。  相似文献   
针对医学X线计算机断层(Computed Tomography,CT)图像,提出了一种基于尺度不变特征变换(Scale InvariantFeature Transform,SIFT)特征和近似最近邻算法的检索方法。首先通过SIFT算法得到图像的特征点和相应的特征向量,再采用近似最近邻算法进行SIFT特征向量的匹配搜索,得到数据库中与参考图像最相似的图像序列。实验结果表明,该法能检索到与目标图像细节相符的结果,大大提高了检索速度。与传统的基于纹理的检索方法相比,查准率和检索结果与目标图像的相似程度方面更佳,符合医学CT图像检索的要求。  相似文献   
苏北海滨湿地互花米草种子特征及实生苗生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐伟伟  王国祥  刘金娥  陈正勇  王刚 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4560-4567
摘 要 在江苏盐城新洋港滩涂由海向陆建立样地:零星互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)斑块(SAP)?稳定互花米草滩下边缘(SAFI)?2003年互花米草定居处(SAF03)?1989年互花米草定居处(SAF89),对互花米草的种子特征及幼苗生长进行了研究。结果表明:(1) 各样地种子产量有极显著差异(p< 0.01),大小顺序为SAP > SAF03 > SAFI > SAF89,种子产量与植株结实率、穗长、单穗种子数成正比。(2) 4月份SAP、SAFI、SAF03和SAF89互花米草短暂土壤种子库分别为673.7 /m2、2328.7 /m2、5948.8 /m2和3990.4 /m2,种子保存率分别为0.5%、3.9%、6.9%和15.8%,且在各样地差异极显著(p< 0.01)。(3) 7月份SAP、SAFI、SAF03和SAF89实生苗数分别为72 /m2、5 /m2、0和0。SAP与SAFI种子萌发率显著高于SAF03与SAF89(p< 0.01)。(4)表层土壤水分含量和种群内部光照衰减是影响实生苗生长的关键因素。在表层土壤水分含量高和低光照衰减的生境中种子繁殖对互花米草种群延续和扩张贡献较大。  相似文献   
紫柏山亚高山草甸群落的种间关联和相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用方差比率法、x2检验、Jaccard关联指数以及Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数研究了秦岭紫柏山亚高山草甸群落20个主要物种的种间关联与相关性.结果表明:种对间呈显著和极显著关联(相关)的种对较少,x2检验、Pearson相关系数检验和Spearman秩相关系数检验的正负关联(相关)比分别为0.85、0.61和1.02,群落总体上接近无关联,处于相对稳定状态;Spearman秩相关星座图将20个物种划分为4个生态种组,各生态种组内的物种具有相似的生态要求和资源利用方式,不同生态种组间呈现明显的演替转化趋势;种对间呈正关联或者正相关,主要是由于具有相近的生物学特性,对生境具有相似的生态适应性;种对间呈负关联或者负相关,主要由于彼此间具有不同的生物学特性,对生境具有不同的生态适应性和相互分离的生态位所致.  相似文献   
Aggression is often positively correlated with other behavioural traits such as boldness and activity levels. Comparisons across populations can help to determine factors that promote the evolution of such traits. We quantified these behaviours by testing the responses of wild-caught poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis episcopi, to mirror image stimuli. This species occurs in populations that experience either high or low levels of predation pressure. Previous studies have shown that B. episcopi from low predation environments are less bold than those that occur with many predators. We therefore predicted that fish from high predation populations would be more aggressive and more active than fish from low predation populations. However, we found the opposite - low predation fish approached a mirror and a novel object more frequently than high predation fish suggesting that ‘boldness’ and aggression were higher in low predation populations, and that population-level boldness measures may vary depending on context. When tested individually, low predation fish inspected their mirror image more frequently. Females, but not males, from low predation sites were also more aggressive towards their mirror image. Variation in female aggression may be driven by a trade-off between food availability and predation risk. This suggests that the relationship between aggression and boldness has been shaped by adaptation to environmental conditions, and not genetic constraints.  相似文献   
黑颈鹤在新疆罗布泊和昆仑山分布及种群状况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)俗称"吐尔那",在新疆罕见,主要分布在与西藏和青海接壤的阿尔金山、昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山区.作者1985~2010年间在若羌(祁曼塔格、东昆仑山、阿尔金山)、且末(吐拉牧场、车尔臣河流域)、和田(阿克赛钦湖)、墨玉、皮山(喀拉喀什河流域)、叶城(叶尔羌河流域)等地记录到黑颈鹤.采用...  相似文献   
Most modern population dynamics analyses of time series use simple population indices for ecological inference. These indices, collected for many years for various agricultural pests or game animals, are generally believed not to distort systematically feedback estimates because the assumption of linearity to population size roughly holds. To assess the relative importance of this assumption, we examined the effect of nonlinearity in a burrow index for voles on feedback estimates obtained through autoregressive modeling. We show that the issue of linearity is of less importance to ecological inference because the feedback estimates are routinely obtained on a logarithmic scale. Transforming data to logs has a strong linearization effect, removing most of the nonlinearity observed on the original scale. We conclude that the statistical tools for ecological inference, such as autoregressive log-linear models, are sufficiently robust to the systematic error imposed by index nonlinearity and that indices are valuable sources of ecological information even in situations when the assumed linear functional forms to population size were not exactly validated. We suggest that for time series modelers, the issue of a large sampling variation in small “noisy” populations is by far a more burning one than the systematic error due to index nonlinearity.  相似文献   
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